l have been a part of a few successful wildlife rescues and educate people on wildlife and environmental issues. We have helped in issues to save wetlands, woodlands etc.to save the precious life within. It is well worth the effort. We can all learn to live and work together. Education is the key. In 2011 I won an education award from Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for the work and photography I do. Habitat is fast disappearing and with it, many species are also declining in numbers. So many species can actually tell us the health of our environment and alert us to problems we need to know about. They all need to be protected.

Jen's Creative Photography

For the more domestic side of my work, for example, pet photography, babies and other photo shoots, please go to
Jen's Creative Photography


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wet day

Second day in a row that the rain has fallen. Its cold and overall damp. However everything is really greening up. Although even the flowers, the few who have stuck their heads up didn't come out today. To cold. But the raindrops were just to pretty to pass up. Got my rain gear on and out I went.

Crocuses on my front lawn tight as can be today.. But still beautiful covered in raindrops.

Lilac bud.

Tulip leaves

Type of ever green tree.

Robin building its nest.

Rocks & reflections

More rain drops.

Angry lake

nest didnt make it

Well 2 years in a row now this pair has been unsuccessful. They did not re nest last year so I am assuming they wont this year either. Last night was a horrible night for winds and weather. Only 2 eggs left. Something will get a meal out of them though. Nest was open to cold , rain, and waves splashing over them when I got there. And the shoreline was littered in debris as well. Was one rockem sockem night on the lake from the looks of it. Dead fish washed up and crayfish and even small rocks littered the shoreline.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nesting goose April 18th through 25th

I have watched this pair of Canada Geese every year now for 4 years. This being the 4th year for them. They lost their first clutch. Second one they had 4 gosling's. 3rd, I monitored the whole hatching of the gosling's and rescued one of them from out of a downspout as they nested on a roof and were born the absolute worst day. Sleet ,rain, snow high winds. Unlike the year prior where they hatched and took them off the roof all within 24 hours. The 3rd batch of gosling's due to bad very cold weather. Spent 3 days under mom before the sun came out and down they came. This lot is also being incubated in bad weather right now. One day nice next day terrible. She this time is nesting beside the the dock. Ice came within 6 feet of her nest. And now she is getting blasted by high cold waves crashing on the shoreline off the dock right over her. We are keeping our eye on her. She will not move until those eggs hatch and babes are all out. Male is close by now and I feel it will be soon. After watching this pair they are pretty easy to read. They accept me well. And are quite popular to the family who owns this property. All things on hold till the beautiful little fluff balls arrive.

Here she sits on her nest at the beginning

You can see she has added her downy feathers to her nest.

Dad is hanging out on the lawn near by.

This is a cool day again. She has put more downy feathers under her on and around her eggs.

Totally relaxed leaning her head on the rock as she checks me out.

This is from today. Thee worst day . The ice threat is gone. But now she has to contend with high waves crashing in off the dock. She is soaked in cold water which almost looks like ice pellets  her back. Every time the water hit her she shivered. Her wings are held out further away from her body to protect her precious clutch of eggs beneath her.

The water washing up and over onto momma goose.

Angry lake.April 25th

After such a lovely peaceful day on the lake yesterday. This is what we wake up to. Yesterday could here loons calling long tail ducks and red neck grebes galore. Today only a few loons calling but not seen and a few buffleheads bouncing in the waves near shore. Crazy weather. But also shows you just how powerful mother nature can be.

Here I got down and shot over the ice crystals that had built up in the sand. Really was beautiful. But oh so cold.

Sora April 24th

A lovely surprise for Malcolm and I awaited us just around a corner near the lake. In the 23 years I have lived here and I monitor the birds every day. I have never seen a sora here. This little bird was huddled into a corner of a cottage driveway right on the road. Flooded ditches. And thick brush kept it safe and gave it food. It stayed about 1 week. What a pleasure that was.

April 24th on the point.

I have been trying to get out daily when the weather is good. It has been a very long winter even in spite of me getting away for a month of it, and one thing or another kept me in. So my birding buddy & best friend, Malcolm ( my dog) & I have gone out as much as we can. It has been amazing to say the least. One day ice 6 feet up on shore, next day ice out and water. In spite of it all. Life goes on.

A beautiful tree swallow feather lays in the soft breeze.

My buddy Malcolm. He looks stressed!!!  After his long walk he just loves to roll over on his back.

One of my few chipmunks sitting on the wheel barrel. Just love em all.

And of course no house is complete without a birdwatcher inside. I have 2 cats and this is Cuba our oldest. He loves to lie by the door and watch the birds and chippies. They are indoor cats as wild birds have enough to deal with in the wild without my cats being part of it.

Next few photos are of the lake the day after the ice went out. Still a bit out there but oh what beautiful water. So clear and peaceful.

More ice on the shore line.

And then with that the snow is also gone on land. And I was surprised to see this bee show up. I welcomed it with camera in hand.

A robin serenaded us from the very top of a pine tree. Welcoming springs arrival.

Pussy willows popping out

Malcolm enjoying the view.

Flowers and birds popping out everywhere