l have been a part of a few successful wildlife rescues and educate people on wildlife and environmental issues. We have helped in issues to save wetlands, woodlands etc.to save the precious life within. It is well worth the effort. We can all learn to live and work together. Education is the key. In 2011 I won an education award from Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for the work and photography I do. Habitat is fast disappearing and with it, many species are also declining in numbers. So many species can actually tell us the health of our environment and alert us to problems we need to know about. They all need to be protected.

Jen's Creative Photography

For the more domestic side of my work, for example, pet photography, babies and other photo shoots, please go to
Jen's Creative Photography


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wasaga Beach,the living and !

I start with a group of gulls out in the water doing what they do. Alive and seemingly healthy. And I move to a lonely abandoned childs flipper washed up on the beach and then the devastation hits. A dead absolutely beautiful male longtail duck. Lying there motionless. It's beautiful life taken from it on it's migratory journey south. Then I spot a gull flying with something stuck in it's foot. What on earth. I look around. I stand there. I am silent.

1 comment:

Angie in T.O. said...

a friend who follows your blog posted a link to this on my facebook page yesterday morning because we had been discussing this horrific situation.
I was scared to read it, and didn't til this morning, and even though I went through a lot of Kleenex, I'm glad I did read it.
The Grebe you wrote of was seen on the news casts, and was very difficult to watch, but in some small way your Blog gave me a bit of comfort, knowing that there are others out there who care as much about our environment and the species who live in it, and I thank you for that.