I have noticed this year. That I have a few goldfinches with eye disease. This can spread from bird to bird. Feeders must be kept clean. I saw a finch years ago with this disease. But nothing since. But this year I am seeing a few. If you see birds at your feeder that have crusty eyes and can be closed, body's can be all fluffed up in a different way than in a cold bird. In fact sometimes near the end they are on the ground. These birds can actually survive this if healthy. But it can also wipe them out in numbers. If you have these birds with this disease at your feeders. Keep your feeders clean,keep your eyes open for numbers and report this to Bird Studies Canada. There is a survey going on through BSC and Cornell University of Ornithology keeping track of the numbers affected and the areas being affected. Do your part of helping these little birds and the organization trying to help them by reporting them.
Please report to: birdstudiescanada@bsc-eoc.org
This little american goldfinch has the finch eye disease. Look for crusty ,closed eyes in these little birds. Also may be fluffed up. This is a spreadable disease amongst the finch species. Please report any sighting to: birdstudiescanada@bsc-eoc.org
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