Frogs n toads are a great warning system to our healthy or not so healthy wetlands/environments. If they are there you can rest asure it is a healthy ecosystem. Of coarse the green fancy tree frog is not a native frog of ours, but I beleive is from Africa. However he makes a beautiful photo. Leopard,green,wood,spring peepers and toads are native here and pretty amazing little creatures. As are all the rest of our reptile and amphibian friends. Next time you pass a wetland or even a wet/vernal pool in the woods. Stop and look. You never know what you might see or hear. In one of these photos is a green frog surrounded by American toads eggs. Lots of things to see if you take the time.
The leaf with the wood frog underneith it is taken by my son Jeff Howard.He tried to take a photo of the wood frog on the leaf but it always moved under the leaf. (camera shy frog). However this is a very cool photo.
Assorted frogs
Wood frog under leaf by Jeff Howard
Green frog
Tiny spring peeper
American toad
Leopard frog
Bull frog
Green frogs
Green frog
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