Jen's Creative Photography
Friday, July 23, 2010
Bald eagles nest,July 22/10
In the next few series of photos I will show a nest of bald eagles I have been watching. My first sighting of the parents was on March 31st,2010. I have tried to visit the nest area once a week. There are 2 eaglets and I feel they are getting ready to fledge soon. One is really getting lift on the nest and actually branched last night. Always one parent on the nest at all times now. And they are keeping a close eye on the young eaglets as you will be able to see in some of my photos. The fish keep coming one at a time. And the eaglets are hungry. And very vocal this last visit as well as active. As we were getting close I saw the Mom swoop down and get a meal and back to the nest. She was there on the stump perch in the middle of the nest when we got in range. Dad was in a tree close by keeping watch. He soon took off for a meal as well. Coming back with a small catch. Mom then took flight as Dad stayed at the nest. Mom was gone for over a half hour and we decided it was time to get back as it was starting to get late. She must have gone on an "I need time to myself flight". One eaglet is more advanced than the other. But the younger one is also coming along nicely. They are near a colony of nesting terns and other birds and are constantly being bombarded even as the male just sits peacefully in the tree. The flight out & back is always greeted by terns in flight calling in distress as they attack the eagles. The young terns are every where now and all we could here were crying babies including the eaglets. And major splashing all over and around us as the terns hit the water to catch food for their young ones. For once the wind was calm and the anchor held us in place. These shots are all taken from a 14 ft. boat,free hand. Very much of a challenge. But one I have thoroughly enjoyed and mastered. Lighting has been another difficult adventure for me. And the distance I have to shoot through is only about 12-15 inches through the trees. This nest is only accessible from water. And is very hard to see at the best of time unless you know it is there. I do not give out locations for safety of the birds. I have been lucky to have been able to watch nesting birds before,during and after all over this year. Nesting has been very good and successful. The one common thing I have noticed in all the birds I have followed through with ,is they are amazingly gorgeous at the beginning of nesting season. All pretty for the mate. By the time the young fledge and after feeding for a few weeks,well they all look pretty tired and worse for wear. Is a very hard stressful time for them and they do an amazing job. We humans could learn a lot from watching these birds with their young. I have enjoyed every minute of every bird and animal I have been very fortunate to have been able to watch this spring/summer. And I can tell you that I admire each and every one of them for all their dedication and hard work for their beautiful families. These eagles are all taken with my 500 full out and are cropped as well. The lighting was mostly not great but I think they turned out pretty good. And best of all the memory will be in my head for ever. I will continue to watch this family in hopes of getting them when they fledge from the nest. It has been one fantastic learning experience for me. I hope you enjoy these shots as much as I enjoyed taking them.

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