When we arrived. The trauma center awaited us with paperwork. As good a description as possible is important when you rescue a turtle to go to the center. It has to go back to wear it came from. A turtle carries a bacteria from it's area that could harm or even wipe out another area of turtles. It is critical that you write down all the info you can. GPS is good too. Not all of us carries one of coarse. When it is released god willing it will go back to that spot or at least within 1 km. After medical director Sue Carstairs examined our girl and I filled out the paper work that Olivia gave me. Our turtle was admitted. Sue found another area that was injured. This is were the blood was coming from. Along her side. And would take the longest to heal. She may be there until next spring. They would x-ray her to see if she had eggs. A week later I followed up on # 140. She indeed had eggs. Another follow up a couple weeks later ,she had laid 8 eggs. They were numbered as her eggs and would be incubated as her eggs separately from others. They would go home with Mom when time was right. There is no bond between mom and baby turtles by the way. But they will carry that same bacteria from that same wetland area. So they must go back there as well. So Mark saved not one turtle but all goes well 9 turtles. Amazing.This trauma center is much needed. Some of you may say. Why worry,there are lots of turtles out there. I see them on the logs basking. Ah yes you do. However,the females are the ones who travel to lay those eggs in the spring. The females are the ones who get hit. And depending on the species,turtles are not mature enough to even lay eggs from between 12-20 years. The turtle trauma center this year when I last called had I beleive around or over 500 turtle eggs to hatch. And 173 injured turtles of various species. Not all hit turtles survive. Our painted is very lucky. Also if you see a dead turtle, (TAKE IT IN,IT MAY HAVE EGGS THAT CAN BE SAVED)The females are the ones that mostly get hit. Meaning that all those turtles you see basking may be males. Our 8 species of turtles in Ontario. Only the midland painted turtle is not on the species at risk list to date. YET!
Habitat is being lost every time you turn around. Not significant they say. I think not.
Join the Ontario Turtle Tally from the Toronto Zoo at aap@torontozoo.ca or check web page at www.torontozoo.com/adoptapond/TurtleTally.asp and become a citzen scientist in helping to keep track of our Ontario turtles numbers. Great for adults and children. Register and get your ID kit today.
Injured turtles Call
Karwartha Turtle Trauma Center, Peterborough,at 705-741-5000 check out there web page at
www.karwarthaturtle.org (If you do handle a turtle ,try to wear gloves and wash thoroughly afterwards.)
The volume the center is experiencing this year has put a real strain on their finances,and the threat to close is real. We can't let that happen. Donations are much appreciated. Thank you.
The folowing are our list of Ontario Turtles and there rating on the SAR list.
midland painted NONE
Snapping turtle SPECIAL CONCERN
Spotted turtle ENDANGERED
Spiny Softshell THREATENED
Northern Map Turtle SPECIAL CONCERN
Wood turtle ENDANGERED
Red eared sliders NON NATVE SPECIES, these turtle are bought at pet shops and often as they grow,are let loose.DO NOT LET THESE TURTLES LOOSE. There are places such as Scales Reptile Park that may be able to take them in. Located just outside of Orillia.
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