On Feb . 16th the male red bellied woodpecker was very vocal at this tree by our house. He called and drummed. He was busy hollowing out this cavity. Last year they did the same tree only up higher. This is the 3rd year he has chosen this tree. However they have never actually nested here due to starlings chasing them out. Last year they started building on March 18th 2010. After completion of the nest and a great deal of trying to keep it,the starlings won. The red bellieds moved on. It was very sad. After they left the starlings did not even nest there. The cavity was checked out by red headed woodpeckers,yellow bellied sapsuckers and northern flickers. All doing their own bit of work altering it to there liking. No one used this cavity. However the red bellied nested close by and brought a beautiful young red bellied to my feeders. The first young red bellied I had ever seen. I was thrilled. So not all was lost. They were successful. This year is very early. Who knows maybe it will be successful.
Here we have the male and female at the cavity. This is the first winter to by the way, that the female has stayed all the way through. She was not here as much as the male,but she was here. She didn't leave like other years.
Female red bellied woodpecker
Male red bellied woodpecker
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