l have been a part of a few successful wildlife rescues and educate people on wildlife and environmental issues. We have helped in issues to save wetlands, woodlands etc.to save the precious life within. It is well worth the effort. We can all learn to live and work together. Education is the key. In 2011 I won an education award from Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for the work and photography I do. Habitat is fast disappearing and with it, many species are also declining in numbers. So many species can actually tell us the health of our environment and alert us to problems we need to know about. They all need to be protected.

Jen's Creative Photography

For the more domestic side of my work, for example, pet photography, babies and other photo shoots, please go to
Jen's Creative Photography


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Carden,June 24/10

While doing a trip to Lindsay Jeff (my son) & l decided on the way home to do a trip around the Cardin area. It was a beautiful morning and all was well. As lunch time approached the skies got darker. We had been having a lot of rain in the days before and it was very wet. And the roads were terrible. We saw lots of species. Most were still feeding nestling's so we didn't see any fledglings out. But we sure heard some hungry babes inside the nest boxes and on the ground. Parent birds flitting all over trying to keep those hungry babies fed and full. No shortage of bugs for them to feed on. That is of coarse after the bugs fed on us. With the rain hanging around the mosquitos were fearce. We saw some good numbers of butterflies as well. This one l believe is a brown eyed wood nymph.
A butterfly l have not seen to much of this year which worries me is the beautiful monarch. l have only seen 6 this year so far.
This is a type of skipper butterfly. l think it is the European skipper,but not 100% sure.
There were literally 1000's of these little butterflies all over the roads at the puddles. l have never seen so many butterflies ever at one time in one place. The roads were covered. We tried to miss them but l know that was not possible. l even walked in front of the car for a while. Of coarse that was fine as l was bird watching too. But there was to many. l would of had to walk miles on end. So Jeff crawled along and most of them scattered. This photo was just a 12 inch square and it continued for ever.
Cardin is also known for it's flowers. This day was one we won't soon forget. We saw and heard so much. But when the sky's turned and we heard one rumble we knew we had to head out. Although slow as the roads were awful. When we got on the highway again. We heard that a 5.0 earthquake had happened coming from Quebec and felt all the way to Toronto. We felt nothing. That was at 1:30 pm. We walked in the house at 6:30 and my husband had the radio on. Well if they weren't talking about Midland being declared a disaster. An F2 tornado had touched down in the southern end of Midland and they were totaled. But no injures. Wow. What a day. And were did it head afterwards. Karwarthas,right were we had come from. Oh what a day is right!!

Carden,June 24/10

Here's lookin at you!
Chipping sparrow just lappin up the bugs. He was flitting all over the road and hard to get still. l was hanging out the window of the car to get this shot.
Curious calf.
Barn swallow.
Orange sulfur butterflies.

Carden,June 24/10

The cows were so photogenic,l got Jeff to stop so l could get some shots of them with their calves.

Carden is known for their ranches. And we got a good taste of them.
You just have to love spring with all the spring babies. Life is grand.

Carden,June 24/10

Bluebird just leaves her nestling after a good feeding. Off to get more food.
A tree swallow nestling looks like it is getting ready to make that big entrance into the world.
Tree swallows.

Eastern kingbird.

Carden,June 24/10

Cedar waxwing.
Song sparrow.

Baby otter,June 29/10

Curled in a tiny little ball.

This was one of the most amazing little encounters l think l have had. What a precious little being.

Baby otter,June 29/10

Nap time for the wee guy after his long long journey to the other side of the channel.

Absolutely amazing.

Baby otter,June 29/10

After running around and finally finding it's way back home. It settled down for a wee nap. How cute is this.
Then a little grooming was in order.
And you still don't look like my Mom. LOL.
Although these got a little over exposed they are great shots of this little guys expressions.
A real good itch. Look at the size of those feet.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baby otter,June 29/10

When this little otter got to the other side. l followed as l was concerned that he was lost. But when l spoke the the man there who has a shop. He said the whole family had been there day before.He he is having a good play on the walk way.
Rolling around having a grand time on the nice warm pavement.
Taking a break.
Running again.
So apparently this little one is the adventurer of this family. Very very busy.

Baby otter,June 29/10

Standing in the field l turned to see this little one running right for me.
Stopped about 10 feet from me as if to say"are you my mom" Was calling for mom the whole time it was running around.
It found a spot and was chewing on the grass or flowers.
Then was rubbing in a bit of sand and smelling a feather.
On the move again.

Baby otter,June 29/10

l was watching some geese when all of a sudden they got upset and started running. This little otter was the culprit.
He sawn across the canal at one point.
Here he was running to close to the geese. They got upset pretty quickly. Although he really wasn't interested.
This little guy was a going concern.
All the geese running along the grass.