l have been a part of a few successful wildlife rescues and educate people on wildlife and environmental issues. We have helped in issues to save wetlands, woodlands etc.to save the precious life within. It is well worth the effort. We can all learn to live and work together. Education is the key. In 2011 I won an education award from Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for the work and photography I do. Habitat is fast disappearing and with it, many species are also declining in numbers. So many species can actually tell us the health of our environment and alert us to problems we need to know about. They all need to be protected.
Jen's Creative Photography
For the more domestic side of my work, for example, pet photography, babies and other photo shoots, please go to
l can't tell you how long it has taken me to get a photo of a virginia rail. l'm talking years. But patience paid off yesterday. Almost got the pair. But the mate was extremely fast and disappeared to the next tuft of grass before l could push the shutter button. But this one was a little more at ease and l got a few good shots off. It caught a wee fish. You can just get a glimpse of it is the second picture. What a beautiful bird these are. You hear them often. But seeing one ,well just doesn't happen that often except for a quick glimpse as they run by in the reeds. They are very quick.
1 comment:
They say patience is a virtue and that's ALOT of patience! Great photo's, so definately paid off!
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