Another view of the young taking a rest behind the driftwood. This is were they were always told to go by mom or dad when threatened by a predator,weather or just to take a safe nap. Why it was so important to leave all the driftwood on the beach in that area. There little lives depended on it.

Adults taking a little break by the water. Always on the watch for predators. Right til the end. It was a job in a half watching over those 4 chicks. They were on the run and busy busy. A job well done indeed.

Another peaceful moment.

And another.

These are the photos l have chosen out of 100's that l took on my duties as a plover guardian at Wasaga Beach this summer of 2009. l was unable to finish my shifts as l got ill. So l missed the final flying adventures and leaving for hours and even days making everyone wonder ( did they leave).l did get up and do a walk along the beach on the long weekend and hoped to get another look at the plovers but no luck. Was disappointing but also l knew they were going to make it. l did however get to see the first flying attempts which were amazing. We were all sad to see them leave but also happy. But l heard they finally left the beach on l think July 30th. So after a week of no show the enclosures were taken down and the beach was opened up yet again to the public. Although l had no problems on my shifts,l know others did have. We spoke to many many people,answered questions gave out information and drew awareness to so many people young and old. These amazing little birds brought people in from all over to see what it was all about. If we reached only one person and turned them around on the beach closures and the reasons, it was worth it. We got their interest and we got there attention and taught them the importance of the species need for help to come back. And l know l personally got more than one person turned around. And that is a job well done. Each year we will reach more people and each year we will protect more babies to adulthood. That means each year ,god willing these fledglings make it through the first year,that puts them just a little bit closer to getting off the endangered list. The guardians were fantastic. It was a real experience and l am already looking forward to next year's plovers. The park 's people were fantastic and always there if we needed them. Last year out of 8 chicks born only 1 survived. This year 4 born,4 survived. Although the one that got nick named Johnny Rebel was a hard one to keep track of. Kept us all on our toes . The one we feared would get into trouble and not make it. He amazingly did. Kept us and his parents hopping all the time. A real adventurer. And unlike the other 3 when they were called in they went. This little one just continued on ignored its parents calls and made them worry. And really made mom or dad hope to protect him. That they did well. l guess we all know one of those in our lives don't wee. BUT!! That little one made it too. We all wish them a safe and uneventful migration and hope to see them back next year. Last years 1 survivor did make it back to Michigan and did find a mate and have a nest. However at this point l do not know the out come of that. But it made it and that is 1 more to the survival of the species come back. First year is always the critical one. We are now up 4 more for this year here in this area at least. A big HURRAY for the plovers.!! If interested in any photos please feel free to contact me.( They are all copyrighted by me. )